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Ageing Loans Classes report

This report shows the amount in arrears broken down into the different user-defined periods /age groups. On the other hand the printout according to portfolio at risk shows the total outstanding loan balance in the category of the oldest missed payment at a given date.

Note that:

1. The Ageing Loans Classes report is displayed as at the first date (Date 1) i.e "Report date from". E.g 28/01/2021 as shown in the image below.

2. The principles due shown in the report will displayed as at the two dates i.e from date and to date and not the period range.

3. The system will place the principle dues according to the age classes as defined under System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/GL Accounts 2/2.

4. One has to ensure that the defined period under System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/GL Accounts 2/2 is long enough to cover all loan ages. For Loans falling in ages not covered by the period selected, the system will return no loans.

5. The two dates "Reporting date from" and reporting date "to" determine which loan class each loan will fall.

How to view the Ageing Loans Classes report

To view the Ageing Loans Classes report you go to Loans/Portfolio Reports/Group Members Ageing Report and the following screen appears:

In the Additional filtering options pop up screen, select the required filter criteria from the drop down boxes, e.g., NAME='Ananth Angel Moger', Relational Operator, e.g., "=" (Equals sign) AND ClientCode, e.g., "KA/I/000003".

Click the OK button if all the data entered is sufficient.

You will get another pop up information screen showing the filter for the ageing report that was selected. As seen below:

Click the Ok button to generate the report that will look like one below for ageing by Arrears classes:

The ageing report by portfolio classes will look like one below:



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